Empowering Girls Through Exploration: The Power of Field Trips, Guest Speakers, Travel and Service Opportunities

At A Girl Named Earle STEM School, we firmly believe in exposing our students to a wide range of career opportunities, encouraging them to break through traditional gender roles and embrace their unique talents and passions. Through frequent field trips, inspiring guest speakers, and meaningful service and travel opportunities, we strive to empower our girls to explore exciting career paths and cultivate a lifelong love for learning.

Explore the world, find your path…

  • Field Trips and Guest Speakers

    Field trips serve as windows to the world for our students, allowing them to step beyond the confines of the classroom and immerse themselves in real-world experiences. Our girls have visited scientific labs, engineering firms, technology companies, and more, giving them an invaluable glimpse into the vibrant and diverse world of STEM. By witnessing professionals in action, they can envision themselves in these roles and realize that the possibilities for their future are limitless.

    Furthermore, guest speakers play a pivotal role in exposing our students to a variety of career opportunities. We invite accomplished women from a plethora of fields to share their stories, personal challenges, and successes with our girls. These powerful role models ignite inspiration and enthusiasm, demonstrating that hard work, perseverance, and determination can pave the way to success in any chosen profession. Our girls are encouraged to ask questions, seek advice, and establish valuable mentorship connections, fostering a network of support as they journey towards their own dreams.

  • Service Projects

    Partnering with Global STEM Squads, girls will have the opportunity to work with engineers in developing countries designing infrastructure systems for access to clean water. Once designed, the team will travel to the location to assist with the construction of the system, cultural immersion experiences, and a visit to a local school.

  • Travel Experiences

    A Girl Named Earle STEM School, partnering with EF Tours, offers unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime travel opportunities for students and their families. Annual trips focus on STEM exploration and cultural experiences. Our current trip to Japan and South Korea is planned for Summer 2025.

    Sign up now to reserve your spot!!!